Tests and Singletons: Singletons With Benefits!
So have you just created a nice shiny class implementing SingletonPattern and now you’ve got to test it? You may find to your horror that the singleton is messing up the tests!
Building Unreal Engine 4 on Windows
Unreal Engine 4 went free on March 2, 2015, and both the engine and its source code were made available to the public, although the instructions provided by Unreal Engine website and Unreal Engine’s GitHub repository page are clear enough; this guide aims to brings them all together in one place.
How to use PHP Built-in web server
Since PHP 5.4 onward; PHP has been geared with a built-in server, which will come in handy when you want to test things quickly or just don’t feel like installing a web server!
Localizing Dates and Numbers in PHP
There are times that English isn’t just the only language in the world, and Gregorian calendar isn’t just the only calendar out there! What would you do in such situation?
Hello, World!
Every programmer starts programming with such statement, this blog, as well starts that way!